Running streak: 338 days Days on HRT: 219 So, looking at the calendar, my 365th consecutive day of running will be on August 22nd! I will run 36.5 miles that day. JK. I will run 3.65. Hehe :) The other day I signed up to volunteer at the Loveloud Festival this coming Saturday trust Rice-Eccles stadium at the University of Utah. I will be volunteering from noon until most likely, 2 or 3 am. I'm super excited. Not only do we volunteer, but we get to match the concerts as well. Imagine Dragons is the headliner. The first act takes the stage at 3 pm. Today I was asked by the director of the foundation if I could come help set up for the press conference on Friday so I said I would be glad to. I came to work for a couple of hours, drove down to Salt Lake, spent a few hours with a group of 8 amazing people. We got it all set up and then I drove back to Ogden and went back to work. Fun times. Everyone was super nice to me and giving me hugs and saying look beautiful. I'm very humble, but it was nice hearing such nice things and I love hugs. I'll take a hug anytime!!! |