Weather - -9, clear, windy. With weather which reminds me of Ivan Denisovich, I was expecting to run only 1-2 miles and get indoors as quickly as possible. However, when I got outside, the weather felt the same as yesterday, so I decided to base my run on how I felt, rather than what the thermometer indicated. I ran to the arboretum and stopped to do 3 sets of strength exercises. When I was on my last set a young couple with a 2-3 year old child walked to where I was, and they began to play on the monkey bars. This struck me as odd, because I have been doing strength exercises there all year, and have never seen anyone playing on the bars. But today, with a wind chill of about -35, they decide to bring their kid outside to play on the monkey bars - they are just as crazy as I am! I was feeling good after doing my pull-ups and dips, I could feel the running energy flowing high, so I decided to run to Busey Woods to do some loops. After running 3 x 1 mile loops I ran 1 more mile back to town, then walked home for 15 minutes. After 4 consecutive days of mid-high mileage, capped by yesterday's 5 hour freeze fest, my legs somehow still felt fresh and strong. With only 2 weeks to the Riddle Run 28 miler, things are looking good. #426 Star Fruit 1 minute before being eaten today :