Weather - 35 degrees, cloudy, windy. Ahhh, cold, windy weather with gray skies - a perfect day for running with an iPod. I have been training on feel for the past couple of months, no set plans for any day. Today I found myself heading once again to the South Farms. It has such a lonely, melancholic beauty which interacts well with a solitary runner. I did a modified loop for 8 miles. My iPod was perceptive of the mood of the day, the shuffle chose some appropriate music for such a blustery afternoon - Les Yeux Fermes : II Happy Ending, by Terry Riley; Philip Glass' Koyaanisqatsi; Death is a Disease and Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell - that is some heavy-hearted sound. I have ended up with weekly mileage in the low 50's recently, and I am taking it easy, so I must still have some good fitness left over from the summer. This morning I went photographing at the railyard, and while tramping around with my tripod and camera equipment discovered that carrying a heavy backpack yesterday morning was the cause of my peculiar chest tightness. Today the tightness was gone, so maybe it was a muscle spasm in the pecs. #358