Weather - 63 degrees, raining. Tough day, thought there would be a chance of no run. I woke this morning with an upset stomach, and soon after I was vomiting 7 times in 3 1/2 hours. After all food had left my stomach, I felt a little better, and had a little bit to eat. I took a nap in the afternoon but when I awoke I felt like another wave of vomiting was going to hit. I lay in bed waiting for the inevitable, but fortunately I began to feel the nausea pass.I got dressed and put my running shoes on, and ran 1 mile in the rain. I burped 5 or 6 times, but I was spared having to vomit on a street corner. Not sure how I will feel tomorrow, but one day at a time, I'm glad I got my run in! #326