Weather - 88 degrees, sunny, humid. Hottest day of the year so far, with high humidity. I ran to the arboretum with the intent of doing 10 hill repeats. However, my warm-up run indicated I was feeling much better than I thought I would be, so I hoped to do more than 10 repeats. I did my usual routine, 100m at 5k pace to the base of the hill, 100m hard up the hill (regular form on even repeats, bounding on odd), and 250m downhill sprint. In previous hill sessions I sprinted 200m downhill, but today my body was ready for a longer effort, so I increased it by 50m, which also shortened the recovery by the same amount. I was doing well, felt strong and energetic, but I had trouble keeping my body temperature low. I had 1 water bottle, but by the 10th repeat it was empty, most of it having gone on my head. Because I had no means of cooling myself I had to stop at 12 repeats. #205 z.m. - #118