AM : Weather - 68 degrees, sunny, windy. Another beautiful morning, ran 5 easy miles through the park and Busey Woods. After Wednesday's interval session I caught a cold, lots of sneezing, but nothing else. I decided to work yesterday evening at the park district and skip work today so I would not give anyone my sickness. I already am starting to feel better, and it has not affected my running energy. Will probably do another 5 miles in the late afternoon. There is supposed to be rain, it would be fun to do a wet run. I recently learned of Team Hoyt : It is people like the Hoyt's which make me feel there is so much that can be done, no matter the circumstances. PM : Weather - 79 degrees, sunny, windy. The rain never came as predicted, so had a summer-like run in heat and humidity. I was planning to go 5 miles, but I felt so good in the warmth I just kept going. Running is becoming such a normal activity that it seems I should be doing it 2 or 3 times a day - what a great feeling! #161 z.m. - #75