Weather - 40 degrees, sunny. Beautiful day, with the next couple of days going up to 60 degrees. I was only able to run 1.5 miles before my knee started hurting. However, this being a friendly type of injury, I can do just about anything except run. Yesterday evening I had too much energy to go to sleep so I went over to Brookens gym at 11:00pm and put in a good workout of 8 sets of strength exercises and also did some jump rope sets. The park district has cable tv set up in the office so I got a chance to watch a few minutes of Million Dollar Baby. Today 1.5 miles was not going to cut it, so in the late afternoon I went for a 3.5 hour walk. As the sun was setting I arrived at the arboretum and walked the hill for one hour in the dark, but since the moon was almost full there was plenty of illumination. Walking 3.5 hours made me feel pleasantly spent, as if I had run 90 minutes, and walking the hill raised my heart rate a bit. At least I am figuring out ways to get a good workout. Tomorrow I plan on walking 3-4 hours, with more hills. #450