Today I did 6 x 400s, 2 x 800s and 2 x100s. The two 800s and 100s I didn't time because I forgot (don't you hate that). The wind was blowing really hard today and it made the speed work difficult more than I ever remember. But no excuses, I'm not seeing any increase performance on my speed work. I was basically around the same times as last week. 400s 1. 82 (400 rest) 2. 88 (400 rest) 3. 88 (400 rest) 4. 81 (200 rest) 5. 86 (200 rest) 6. 86 (400 rest) I ran most of the miles today hard, but cut the volume of the run for the taper. I'm a little disappointed in my speed work performances, but I'll keep trying. Totals 8.6 miles overall pace 6:35 in 57.01 minutes. No run this afternoon and want to keep my miles down to feel fresh.