am--9.75 Parkway w/ pick-ups around 8k pace. Really nice run this morning. The pick-ups felt great. My body feels like it was meant to run smooth and fast. We had a slight crew this morning w/ student-body posters going up in the a.m. I did get to run about 10 minutes w/ Addi and Ellie at the end. RHR--50.
pm--2.25 Grass run at Sandstone. My achilles is pretty tender. I erged 3k when I got home.
One more book to the list--Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. I really find myself nodding as I read this guy's ideas. This book is more varied than Start With Why and extrapolates the ideas he shares in the "Millenials in the Workplace" video you can find on YouTube. The book is a quick read that sheds some light on building culture in an organization.