For those of you who have been wondering if I had dropped off the face of the earth . . . no . . . I was actually on the other side of the earth. I was on an extended business trip to South Korea. I ran a lot while I was there, but decided not to blog my runs for safety reasons. I am back home now and it is good to be back. Running in Korea was great. There are many trails in the mountains (actually more like hills than mountains). The trails were very nice and had signs at the intersections. Of course, the signs were in Korean, so they weren't much help to me. I saw several Koreans out walking and hiking on the trails. There were a few runners, but not many. The Koreans are extremely friendly and usually greeted me in Korean as a passed. There were a few who even greeted me in English. It was really exciting running and exploring trails on the other side of the world. Here are a few of the pictures that I took while I was out.  A wide trail that went all the way around the lake.
They built a stair case up a steep section. How cool is that.
Here's a map of one of the trail systems. 
Which way should I go? 
I went this way. I think it was a good choice.
I found these guys at the top of one of the mountains I summitted.
Doesn't this look like a fun place to run?  Me, while out on one of the trails. |