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Run to Feed the Hungry

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Member Since:

Jan 24, 2009



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Running Accomplishments:

Winner of 1994 Teton Dam Half Marathon, 1:25:01.

Best Marathon: 3:23:40. (Deseret News 2006).

Completed Utah Grand Slam (2006).

Completed 8 Marathons in 1 year, the last four were each two weeks apart.

Marathons to date: 25.

Short-Term Running Goals:

Stay Healthy

Sub 3:15 Marathon

Train consistently

Finish in the top 10% at all races 

Long-Term Running Goals:

Sub 3 hr marathon

Complete a 100 miler

1st Overall at any race




Hi, my name is Matt and I love to run! I especially enjoy trail running. I am married to Susie and we have six children Connor-10, Jed-8, Jaxine-7, Evan-4, Eliza-2, and Susanna-0. Look for me at your next race, I wear the same bright yellow Twinkies shirt at all my races.

Favorite Course: Mid-Mountain Marathon, Park City, Utah

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It's official. Susanna is now part of our family.


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Today I ran the Ridgeline trail which is off the the Wild Rose Trail. There weather was perfect. Felt good to get out.

Here is another picture of my new little angel.


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5:30 a.m. I started out on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and headed over to Ricks Creek. On Ricks creek there is an awesome cascaded waterfall. I tried to get a picture today, but is was early and still too dark. Here is a photo of the falls that I took a few weeks ago when I hiked it with my family.


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Mueller Park Trail. The trail was soft packed snow all the way up. At Elephant Rock there was more snow than I expected. It was about 8 inches deep. The run down felt great. I love winter trail running.

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Started out on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in North Salt Lake. Ran up passed the radio towers and drop into City Creek. The trail was hard packed the whole way. 

It was cold this morning (about 20 degrees Fahrenheit), but that didn't bother me. For those who have a hard time running in the cold, I'll share a little secret with you. Start your run by running uphill. The steeper the hill, the better. Running uphill creates a fire inside and warms up your whole body. Once your body is warm up it stays warm for the rest of the run.

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Ran up to Cave Peak this morning. My calves were a bit tight today, but I made it up in a descent time. 

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I got in my car and drove to the Wild Rose trailhead. It was raining slightly as I drove. At the trail head it had stopped raining. I headed up the loop trail and then up the ridge. On the ridge there was a strong cross wind. It snow off and on but the snow never got too bad. The wind on the other hand continued to get worse as I went up. I had to lean into the wind in order to stay upright. At one point I was leaning at about a 45 degree. This is the strongest wind I have ever ran in. It nearly blew me off the mountain. I was headed up to Dude Mountain, but turned around about a mile short of the top for safety reasons. After a few miles downhill, the wind was descent again and the rest of the run was great.

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Mueller Park Trail. First snowshoe run of the season. It was a ton of fun, but my snowshoe muscles are weak.

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I ran on the new trail that connects the Legacy Parkway Trail to the Jordan River Parkway Trail.

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Wild Rose Trail. The fresh snow was incredible this morning. I was hoping to run in snowshoes today, but there wasn't enough snow at the start of the trail. Up higher there was plenty, so maybe after one more storm, I can use the snowshoes again.

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Treadmill. I was going to run further but running on the hamster wheel drives me crazy.

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Race: Run to Feed the Hungry (6.2 Miles) 00:47:18
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I was  bit overdressed. Usually, this race is freezing, but today the weather was great. This was the fastest that I have ran in over a year. I was able to maintain a sub 8 pace for the entire race. It felt good to run somewhat fast again. There was a good turnout for the race, about 2000 people.

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