Have this respiratory thing going on. I know I've complained before about this cough I've had. Since October. Of 2011. I am going to the doctor today. Again.
Exhausted yesterday. No run. Went to bed early instead with my (clean) running clothes on as my pajamas (does anyone else do that?). Set the alarm for 5 so I could get in a run today (I have to supervise a football game! Yay!). When the alarm went off, I got out of bed. Then I got back in bed after seeing that it was raining. Then I got out of bed again. Then in bed one more time before I beat back the little voice in my head that said I didn't need to run.
Believe it or not, this only took up 5 minutes.
Then I ran my 4 miles pretty slowly. I used the run to clear my thought-sicles.