My running last week was pitiful. On Friday I ran an unbloggable 1/2 mile, but at a 2 year old's pace. I picked up my kids before practice, so I couldn't run much as my runners did their time trial. Then Saturday I had a.m. class, then drove to Chicago and by the time I had time to run, I felt like poop. Stupid summer colds. I took Sunday off in hopes that I would feel better faster. I did feel a little better today, but not 100%. Stuffy head, runny nose, sore throat. All that crap. So my run was an easy 40 minutes and a tempo 15 minutes. The easy didn't feel so easy, but the tempo felt pretty good, other than some breathing issues. I get very stressed out during XC season and now I have to drop off and pick up my kids at two different places and I haven't quite figured out what time to leave so I can get to school when I need to. And one of the deans at my husband's school just moved to be a principal at one of the other district schools, so until they find a replacement, my husband will be leaving early and coming home late. So I'm resigning at the end of this season. I feel as if the rest of my life is pulling me in different directions and I can't be an excellent coach. It makes me sad, but I believe I have to do it. Oh, and I'm going to try to catch up with everyone's blogs later in the week. I'm out of the loop with the start of school but eventually things will become routine.