The craziness of school and XC begins... My running was segmented today and I'm guessing my mileage was slightly more, but who cares. I ran a warmup with the runners (about 1.2 miles) and then timed them doing their prerace workout (we have a time trial Friday). They did 6 200s. Then, after sending them off to their cool down, I ran 2 fastish 200s with my diabetic, who missed a few while she was controlling her levels (for a total of 1/2 mile). Then I found some of the other groups and finished their cool down with them (for about 1 mile). Then I came home and was dissatisfied, so I ran out to the farm. I ran almost 3 but I don't know exactly. I ran past the farm and up to where the road goes over the interstate. At the end I'm glad I didn't go up and over the interstate because I almost got hit by a guy who was FLYING down the road hauling a tractor. I don't think he saw me until the last second because he was driving in the middle of the road. I hate running on country roads. I try to avoid it whenever possible.