I think Mother Nature has some serious PMS this week!! Had to deal with about a foot of extra sloppy wet snow yesterday and figure that must be the worst of it. Kim and I had driven around last night and found some clear and fairly dry roads that we thought would work for an outside run today.
However as you can see from the photo Kim snapped early, when we woke up this morning we found at least ANOTHER FOOT of snow to deal with. So we spent the morning shoveling snow like crazy! So I'll count that as 90 min SS XT.

Managed to make it to work so that meant I would at least have the treadmill option. But I really truly hate the treadmill. Can't stand running even a few miles so I knew running 10 would not likely be very fun. It wasn't. But I keep reading other bloggers doing these massive 18-22 milers on the TM so with that though in mind I did manage to get to 10.
To break up the monotony in the middle I decided to do a similar workout to what Kim had planned today which was 6-8 x 200 around 7 min pace or a bit faster. Afterward I realized I ended up actually doing 9. Whatever I was just glad to get this one done.
7:55/165 max 182
For a good laugh check out this animation/electronic-voice video showing a runner attempting to explain the "joy" of running to a non-runner. For the link to work you'll probably have to have a facebook account.
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/video/video.php?v=1498758429359&comments |