Canal out and back TT: 1:19:00 AP: 9:50 10:26, 10:12, 9:53, 9:43, 10:01, 9:46, 9:27, 9:13 I have several girls in my ward invite me to various runs and races lately. I'm not really into the color runs, foam runs or relay runs. So I've politely declined. But one of the girls I visit teach, so I felt like I needed to make an effort to support her running. Since all my pals are at SG, I texted to see if she wanted to run this morning. I knew she would be a lot slower than me, so it was a designated slower day. She is a new runner, so I did a lot of talking about running and races. We went a lot later than I normally do, so I didn't feel like a zombie and carried the conversation. It was definitely chilly. My gloves got wet at a drinking fountain so my hands were freezing. When I got home, I headed downstairs for some strength training. 3x 10 side to side lunges 10/side single leg hamstring lift 50/side calf raises 1:30 bridge pulses 10/side one arm push up on Bosu 20 skull crusher 16 row planks 7 ball v-up ....I stink at these. Long stretch and foam roll The tops of my feet have been bugging me the past 2 weeks. I've been doing all my PT stuff to help keep the tendons loose. I hardly tied my shoes today. I think that and the very slow pace really helped. Can't wait to read all the SG race reports! Go FRBers!!!! |