Round about out and back 11/16 11/18 11/25 TT 1:09:16 1:06:50 1:06:06 AP 8:40 8:22 8:17 1. 9:42 9:42 9:22 2. 9:11 8:57 8:58 3. 8:54 8:36 8:43 4. 8:51 8:23 8:25 5. 8:35 8:09 8:01 6. 8:10 7:51 7:43 7. 7:57 7:42 7:36 8. 7:51 7:26 7:11 I'm really loving this bench mark concept. A few months ago when I was planning my 2014 races, I noticed how several runners on the blog would do the same tune up workouts/races before the BIG race to compare where their fitness levels were at. So I'm going to try to implement that into my training. Mondays have turned into harder tempo runs for me. I've been doing them alone, so I would like to get a buddy to help push me. This tempo run was very close to last Monday's time. Again, I didn't look at my watch and just went by effort. I really liked that I was able to finish the last few miles strong. I haven't run a race since Hobble Creek in August. I'm running the turkey trot on Thursday and was trying to figure out a goal. The course is not aided. I know I can hold a sub-8 pace for 3 miles...I haven't hit it for 4 miles yet. So my goal is a sub 32 minute for 4 miles. But I have to make sure I warm up a few miles so I'm ready to hit those paces from the start. Plus my super-fast sister in law will be running too. Hopefully, I can use her as a gopher! This is going to be a great bench mark to see where my fitness is at. I needed another layer this was chilly! Quick stretch after. Hammies feeling better! |