Welcome back to reality! No more vacation and leisure eating/working out! At home gym 1 mile warm up - 6.0 mph 1 min hard/2 min easy - hards were 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 mph - easys were 6.5 (I did this for 3.5 miles) .5 cool down at 6.5mph I had a really hard time cooling down. I was extremely hot and extra sweaty. But I really wanted to get my lifting in, so I took more time in between each set. Kinda dizzy. 3x 10 ball squats with weight 10 ball lunges with weight 10 side to side lunge with weight 10 single let hamstring lift 10 rows 10 flys 10 skull crushers Long foam rolling session. THEN I made my kids workout in the yard. And they had to do a lot. Because I am not their maid, groundskeeper or sherpa. Blessed is the mother who can teach their children yard work without swearing. |