Calf was hurting pretty badly throughout the day yesterday. It was hurting less today but still definitely hurting. So I waited till evening to run, so I could give it some extra rest. On the run, I started out very slowly and kind of limping to ease into it. I did that for the first 3 miles. After that, I decided to try loosening up my ankle, and the calf didn't hurt too bad. So I tried running with a more normal stride, and that actually felt a lot better. By the end of the run, I was running normal and feeling strong, so I finished at 7:30 pace. The average pace was 8:43, exactly the same as yesterday. I'm really happy with where the calf is, even though it's still hurting.
Interestingly, I think a different part of my left calf is injured this time. I wonder if I just need new shoes. But it seems like muscles in different parts of my legs keep rotating with having strains, so maybe they just each need a turn to get broken in. P.S. The run was in Billings today, too.