AM - Thurs morning tempo with the club. Ran down from the house to get some extra miles in. Warm-up. Wasn't sure if I was going to do 5-6 miles of tempo. Asked Clyde if he wanted to go 6 and didn't get a commit so, I figured I would just shoot for 5 (thank goodness). Haven't felt amazing this week so I wasn't too pumped for the run.
Since Clyde showed, I ended up taking off a bit quicker the first mile than I normally do. I usually keep it at 5:50-6:00 pace. I also was wearing my Garmin 910XT and I can never get an acurate read on my pace compared to my Garmin 250. The tempo ended up being decent - no big breakthrough. A little bit faster the last mile. Here's the spilts
5:41, 5:39, 5:35, 5:43, 5:28
Last tempo 7/17:
5:57, 5:39, 5:36, 5:42, 5:48
Clyde ran home right after and I cooled down with some of the group then ran home. 15 miles.