Ran 2.55 in 21 minutes. Rode the bike for one hour. I am so upset with my dr. right now. He is suppose to be one of the best orthopedic foot docs around here! My hub is a doc and just printed off my mri report for me. He just called me and said that there is not excess blood flow to the area or edema (like the doc said) but there is a cyst. They don't know if the cyst is synovial or ganglion but there is a cyst right in the area at the top of my foot where I have been having pain and tingling. The doc did tell me that there was a cyst in my foot, but it was not in the area of pain it was farther up and nothing to worry about. I don't even think he really read my report! My husband says that he sees these types of cysts all of the time and that you can't tell what kind of cyst they are until they are taken out. He said if it is bothering me I should just go and have it taken out so that I can start running again without pain. Maybe I didn't even have a stress fracture after all? I am so irritated!