Recovering from micro-fracture surgery :(

September 21, 2024

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Member Since:

Apr 09, 2011



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:

Marathon #3 - PR - Salt Lake Marathon 2011- BMQ 3:41:03

PR - Bryce Canyon Half - July 2011 1:38:29



At the finish



Short-Term Running Goals:

Recovering from micro-fracture surgery on my right knee.  I tore the cartilage off of my knee while doing a speed-training run one month before Boston.  Doc gave me a cortisone shot so that I was able to finish Boston.  After the surgery, I was told to never run again. :(

Long-Term Running Goals:


Ran Boston on April 14, 2012! 



Married, 40 year old, mother of four. 


"In truth, runners don't race other runners.  They race against themselves: to conquer their wills, to transcend their weaknesses, to beat back their nightmares.  And while a runner can't actually beat himself, he can beat his time. Even years into running, he can get better." Running for His Life by Michael Hall


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I ran 5 in the 90 degree heat at 12 noon and loved ever second after not running for a week. My foot was feeling a bit better and I had my dr. appt at 2.  Foot was a bit tender but nothing like a week earlier. 

 The orthopedic foot doc at TOSH said about 5 is a stress fracture.  3 x-rays of my foot and they showed nothing....he said that X-rays don't show stress fractures.  THEN WHY WOULD THEY MAKE ME HAVE THEM IF THEY DON"T SHOW THEM????????  He said I needed to wear the boot for 4 weeks. I said that it was feeeling so much better and I had St. George in 6 weeks.  He told me I needed to have an MRI of my foot to show the stress fracture so that I would believe him, if not I would end up breaking the bone straight through and need surgery if I didn't stay off of it.  He said the nerve pain and tingling is all a result of the stress fracture that has caused swelling on the top of my foot.  I went out to my car and cried!  I decided not to have the MRI because I don't want the expense or the radiation.

I have the boot on today.  I haven't showered.  I am depressed! I had to go to the school to meet with the school nurse for my daughter that has foot allergies and ran into every mom that I know....they were all dressed up and looked like they were going to a fashion show.  I didn't want to talk to any of them.  They just don't get it! They would be thrilled to have a reason to not have to exercise and most of them don't exercise anyway.  I can't explain it to anyone.  It just makes me feel better and I love it.  I had greasy hair and scroungy clothes and no makeup on because I have cried about it a couple of times today.  They kept asking me, what is wrong Amy?, Why the boot?,  are you okay? (because I look like I crawled out of bed!) :( :( :(

Weight: 0.00
From Dan on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 19:49:59 from

Ugh.. I am so sorry :( If you would like we can all sign the boot and make it flashy! Maybe write on there 'secret ingredient' or maybe 'I'm scared of geese'.. Hey it's very bad news, but it will pass (and you could get a 2nd opinion?).

From Steam8 on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 19:56:09 from

I'm scared of geese...hahahaha! It will pass....but so will the St. George marathon without me :(

From Burt on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 20:06:54 from

So sorry Steamer! :(

From Dorsimus on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 20:17:30 from

Sorry to hear that! I've been taking a little time off to try and let my knee heal up - and not running has driving me crazy - I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Can you bike or anything? This years race may pass by, but its not really going anywhere! Try and enjoy the rest (might require some pretending :)) and gear up for another great adventure. :)

From Steam8 on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 21:03:40 from your name Matt? I didn't know you were having knee problems. It seems like all of you 50-100 miler guys never have any problems.

I can bike if I wear my boot.... :( It is hard to do and hurts! One month of nothing will turning me into a big, faat marshmellow!!

From Twinkies on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 21:10:31 from

His name is Matt, and mine is too. It's a great name.

Sorry about the foot. Take it easy and it will heal faster. I know how painful and depressing it is to not run. But you get back to it and could probably run a marathon in January.

From Dorsimus on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 21:27:40 from

Yep that's what they call me :) Nothing too serious, I hyper-extended my knee a couple months ago and it actually doesn't hurt to run, just kind of an off and on nagging injury that I figured while I don't have any big plans I should try and give it a rest and see if I can't get rid of it for good.

From RAD on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 21:33:51 from

what a crappy, cruddy, stupid, dumb, idiotic thing to happen!!!! I'm SO mad and sad right there with you. The one thing you can take from all of us is that we have been there, done that, and we (most of us anyway) have the t-shirt to prove it. We've cried over stress fractures and not being able to run, let alone THE race of the year. Gotten depressed over it and had everyone else in our lives look at us like we are utterly insane! They just don't get it, but WE do! Our condolences to you and wear your grubbies and eat cookie dough for a couple days. It won't hurt you and it WILL make you feel better (seriously, scientific fact that our brains need carbs to release seratonin which is the 'happy' chemical -TRUE!).

That said, I wish I could do something for you. We can all tell you it will be okay and there will be other races, but that doesn't help right now. Every runner you pass in your car will make you want to scream or cry. But, it really will get better. This too shall pass and will be but a small moment in a year or so.

I think maybe getting a 2nd opinion wouldn't be such a bad idea. Which doc was it you went to at TOSH? (I hope it's not the one I go to). Maybe a sports med doc (Kelli has a great one out here at Riverton Hospital - Dr Brinton?, Allie went to him as well). If you could run 5 miles with little pain I too wonder about the SF.... It might be worth it. A 2nd opinion will either tell you the same thing (okay, an apt co-pay wasted, but peace of mind that the PT isn't off his rocker) or will give you hope of running SGM. Either way, I don't see it coming out as a bad thing. Peace of mind or hope!

I hope you start feeling better soon. I'd totally bike with you in a boot! I'm there - seriously, all over it. Good luck with whatever you decide.

From timp on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 22:20:38 from

Hey Steam - I definitely know that it stinks to take the time off. You'll be through the four weeks in no time.

From I Just Run on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:41:08 from! I just read your blog, I missed it yesterday. I really do know how you feel right now. Look at my milage log...Bzzzzz on the running miles. TOU is out, BQ is out and now I've reverted to biking with the wimps! At least you have us on the blog who really do understand your dissapointment. I don't have any running friends other than you guys on the blog :-) Cry a little and then put your head up and figure out how to move forward with this.

Romans 8:28

28 We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.

What does God want you to focuss on at this time?

From jsh on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:58:20 from

Dors hit it right on... The race isn't going anywhere. Just force yourself to put a smile on each morning and remember that everything happens for a reason. You'll come out a stronger person.

From SlowJoe on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:32:36 from

You'll come through it ok. Maybe the MRI will be negative. Hoping for the best...

From Scott Wesemann on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 16:35:57 from

Well that is just crappy!!! So sorry to hear it. :(

I'm sure you look cute in the boot though ;)

From Dan on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 22:15:34 from

Ok Steamy- I'm gonna hit you with some fat boosting foods tomorrow, good for the boot :p

From flatlander on Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 00:55:57 from

Just saw this and really sorry to hear it. Very interesting comments about how running people can only communicate with each other when it comes to their sport.

From JG on Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:34:31 from

Hang in there Steam, with rest you will recover, and have many great running/racing days ahead! Rest and heal, you will be much better and happier in the long run not dealing with a lingering injury or it developing into something more serious! Will keep you in thoughts and prayers! Nothing wrong with a good cry, but turn those tears to smiles, there is always much to give thanks for!

From Oreo on Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:48:26 from

I can read the headline now..

Women in Foot Boot Wins STGM!!

Sorry to hear all that. becareful not to cause any long term shizzle.. You'll be back at it!

From derhammer on Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:16:24 from

So sorry to hear this. I found this quote that I like:

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller

Hang in there. You will come back stronger and more resolute.

From Steam8 on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 19:37:54 from

Oreo....haha! Only in my dreams!

Derhammer...I LOVE that quote. It actually made me feel better.

Thanks to all. I know you all understand how it feels. It is just so hard! I cried most of last week and part of this week. I am feeling better. Just takes time to let it soak in. I'll be back at it soon, I hope! XOXO to all of you!

From Kelli on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 20:37:17 from

I am a week late....sorry! I was thinking this was posted today and I was finally on top of things!

Sorry, Amy. Like everyone said, we all feel your pain! I tell people all of the time that I actually do not really like to run, I only realize how much of my life it is when it is taken away! It is hard not to be defined by something you love and spend so much time doing!!! BUT, you are more than a runner. In fact, so many things come before it, right???

Feel free to flip off any runners that you pass (and for sure the glamour moms at the school, my pet peeve at 8 am!)

When you can run, I promise you this: We (meaning me and anyone else who wants to come) will go on a great Saturday run in a location of your choosing. It will be a party. I will bring the pumpkin muffin tops and chocolate milk.

Now, how on earth does your daughter have FOOT allergies????? ;o)

From Smooth on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 20:44:41 from

Oh Amy! I am so so so so sorry! Dang it! Injuries sure stinks! Unfortunately it's part of the game and happens to the best of us.

I second Kelli in everything she said. And II will bring calcium fortified orange juice! :)

Hang in there cute girl!

From Dan on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 21:05:16 from

Yes you will be back at it, thanks for updating. Kelli gave some sound therapy advice :)

From Steam8 on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 23:42:08 from

Hahaha! Kelli and Smooth - I can't wait for the pumpkin muffin tops and the calcium fortified orange juice....sounds like it will be a fun run for sure!

Dan, I only wished you lived close so that you could drop by some of your homemade food once in a while! :)

Kelli, I didn't even notice the foot allergies until a couple of days ago and I just left it because obviously foot was on my mind. FOOD allergies....nuts, the poor girl and she has a mom that is one!

From Kelli on Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 18:45:22 from

Food allergies are scary, so it is ok if you are nuts!

From Burt on Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 18:46:30 from

My mother-in-law is allergic to nuts.

From Steam8 on Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 23:57:13 from

Sooooo, in other words, she doesn't like you Burt? ha! ;)

From Burt on Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 00:18:50 from

I guess I walked into that one.

Seriously though, every time we go out to eat, I remember why I HATE going out to eat with her. Even if she's paying. She's such a drama queen. Always sending her food back, complaining. Some day a kitchen cook's gonna slip some peanut oil in her fried chicken.

From I Just Run on Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 11:41:27 from

Hey Steam,

Any improvement?

From Steam8 on Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 13:28:41 from

No improvement! I wasn't faithful in wearing my boot all weekend since we were out of town and I HATE wearing it because you get mobbed by people asking you what you my foot is tingling on top again! DANG! Boot is on and I don't even dare ride my bike because it makes my foot hurt!

From timp on Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 21:49:23 from

Just being positive, but maybe tingling is a good thing...

It'll be ok

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