SWEARWORDS! I have unbelievable luck! Instead of just tearing up, I have been sobbing today. Felt great this morning, my foot has been feeling better, knee and hip have still been having stabbing pains now and again, but nothing serious. Met my nephew and ran 3 in 23, walked a bit and ran another three in 23. I felt like I was going to puke so we walked for about a half mile before we started another repeat. After about a half mile my knee started hurting so bad that I had to stop and then I couldn't put any weight on it or bend it at all without HORRIBLE pain. I half walked straight kneed and hobbled trying not to cry holding on to my nephew. I called my husband and he was NOT HAPPY! He called in a personal favor to an orthopedic friend of his that operated on Tiger Woods a few years ago. My appt is at 4:30 today. I will most likely not be running Boston. I am so heartbroken! I am not training for any more marathons. I am only running halves from now on. My body just can't handle training for fulls! :(!!!!! |