I'm on the verge of tears today. I had to drive my daughter down to Rick/Eccles Stadium at the U for her science fair project. I kept holding back the tears as we drove there this morning. I am hoping this is just hormones and I am not really this pathetic! I am pretty sure I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot. I have stayed off of my feet for almost a week, icing and heating. My hub suggested that I go and buy different shoes and see if that helps since I have about 20 pair of Asics, either Cumulus or Nimbus. I went to a new New Balance store and they had me stand on a computerized foot thing and told me that I stand on the outside of my feet. He gave me some new shoes and some orthotic inserts. He said that he was trained by a podiatrist. I ran 18 the next day and they felt good. My foot still hurts though and is burning and throbbing almost all of the time. I also tweaked my knee at kickboxing this week and I keep having stabbing pains in my right knee and my right hip is hurting again from my old problem with bursitis! I am falling apart. My body just can't handle the miles when I am up around 40 miles per week and running high teens or 20s. I don't know why everyone else can pump out the miles and I can't! It is frustrating me. My 18 mile run was a disaster. I thought it would be soooo easy since I hadn't run for a week. I was huffing and puffing when we would get into the 7s. How pathetic! It was an extremely slow 18 and it about killed me! I was really hoping to be in good enough shape to run a 3:30 at Boston. I then decided that even if I was in the 3:30s that would be okay.....now I don't even think I will be able to qualify for Boston at Boston! I will need a 3:45 to qualify because I will be 40 at the next Boston marathon. I just really wanted to qualify in the youngest age group. I feel like I was in a lot better shape a month ago. :( We are heading to Washington DC this week for Spring Break. We just found out yesterday that they accepted our request for a White House tour. I am worrying about how I am going to get my runs in while on vacation. This is one of the reasons that my hub hates my running because it interferes with his schedule!!!