Workout at Milliken again today. 2 mile warm up, then 40 minutes of 10 hard, 5 easy, 10 hard, 5 easy, 10 hard. That amounted to 5.26 miles. Our hard was just supposed to be a steady solid effort but nothing too bad, and each 10 minute sesh should be harder than the last. I paced those 3 at about 7:26, 7:14, 7:08 pace. Easy pace was a nice conversational jog, around 8:45 pace. We averaged out sub-8 though. 1.2 mile cool down + a few strides.
Weights sesh around dinner time.
Speaking of dinner time, I have GOT to start eating better. I guarentee I could drop like at least 15 seconds off my 5k time if I just had better portion control and also ate less dessert. I say this to myself around this time every night, but now that it's in writing....I really gotta work on it haha.