2 mile warm up, then a fartlek workout of 3-1-4-1-5-1 minutes on and 2 minutes recovery after each. 1-min's were supposed to be at 2 mile race pace, 3-4-5's were supposed to be closer to 6:45 pace. This workout was kind of a disaster, but in an unconventional twist - it was way too easy. The hard sections were not hard at all because we were going way too slow if you ask me. I respect the upperclassmen and so I listen to them when they tell me to slow down...but you know there is a problem when the ENTIRE girls team ran it together. Coach Gracey said it best - we "are not interchangeable." We should not have all been able to be together. And I don't mean this in a snooty way at all, but the fact of the matter is that faster people should have faster workouts than slower people, and the fact that I (and all of the top girls) were with the slower girls is clearly not a good sign. But I stayed back because they told me to. Coach Gracey wasn't pleased with that pacing. Anya was especially pissed. She hates when that happens. Mile cooldown afterwards.