40F, thin cloud layer w/ lots of moonlight coming in. (Blue moon tonight, second full moon in one month.) VERY slow run. Brief core workout w/ pushups. Legs? Hello? Hello? ....They're not home. Well, as lackluster as my last run of 2009 turned out to be, I am WAY over any previous year's mileage so I can sail into 2010 with my head held high. The highest annual mileage I ever had before was 1,924 and I'm over 2,400 for this year! I left an enthusiastic message about it for my legs, for whenever they decide to come back. ETA: just received this link to a video overview of SoftStar mocs that I wanted to share with you all: http://www.youtube.com/user/softstarshoes#p/a/u/0/LW6p2tVBwH4 These are the best!