Objective: recovery, general aerobic Weather: High 40s F, intermittent light drizzle (almost imperceptible) DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness. I've heard that it can take 2 days for muscle soreness to really set in, but this is the first time I've experienced it so dramatically. It was actually difficult to come down the stairs this morning, although I proudly did do so without going backwards, ala post marathon. I took about 5 minutes to massage out my legs with The Stick before heading out and that seemed to help quite a bit, though I was still feeling a bit weak. I was extremely slow.
Has anyone seen this farcical website? It's rather funny, in a somewhat offensive way. I only found out about it because of that page on marathons. Do people really view our sport that way? I started to think about the fact that I share very little information about my running with my non-running friends, so it might stand to reason that the only runners they really hear from are those flash-in-the-pan types who are not life-long participants.