Sunny, humid, high 60sF in the shade, Sahara Desert in the sun (felt like it to me). Endurance run with lots of hills and some MP (9:00-9:15) at end. I was assigned to run 2 MP miles before my cool down today, and I had every intention of doing so. You might even say I did. Sort of. In a mathematical way. At around mile 15.5 I found myself in the central area of the neighborhood, where there are a few more flat stretches than everywhere else. As planned, I started the MP part of the run. I wasn't quite through the first mile when I overheated pretty badly (face flushed with heat, head dizzy, and stomach getting ready to be sick). So I ended up doing cool off breaks all through the rest of the MP run, going as far as I could stand to go, then walk/jogging for about a minute to cool off. Splits: .84 @ 9:06, .33 @ 9:15, .45 @ 9:02, and .34 @ 9:13. Somehow I have my doubts that this sort of off-n-on MP running will contribute anything to my fitness, but I can honestly say I did the best I could. Weekly summary: Mon-Sun total miles: 60.4
Mon 8.19 E Tues 9.7 E Weds 8.56 E Thu 7.77 w/ V: 4 x 1000, 2:30 recov b/t: 4:57, 4:53, 4:52, 5:05 Fri 7.1 recov Sat off Sun 19.08 w/ 1.96 @ MP in "pieces"