54F, 6:57 AP. Ran down to my old high school to do mile repeats at their track (never even touched the track while I was actually in high school!) The goal was 6 x 1600m at 10k pace, with 400m active recoveries. Bam had 3 x 2 @ 10k pace on my plan, but I didn't think I was ready for that. Anyway, I figured 5k pace was 6:00 right now, so maybe 6:15 for 10k pace.
Splits: 6:15, 6:15, 6:12, 6:11, 6:10, 6:03.
Recovery laps averaged about 2:15. Good, solid workout. In 3 weeks, I might try 4 x 1.5 at the same pace, then see if I can do Bam's sadistic 3 x 2 workout in 6 weeks. I'm usually lucky if I can do HMP for 3 x 2! Making progress...