Chose to sleep in - the kids were freaked out due to the power outage so they ended up in my bed- I didn't sleep well. Lousy excuse I know... really I was just LAZY! Then I was stressed all day trying to figure out when I'd fit in my workout. Why do I do this to myself?! Had a few minutes to race to the gym and got in 2.5 on the treadmill. Definately felt my workout was cut short, but told myself if it was short I'd make it count! I started w/ 10 min mile pace for about 5 min, then keep increasing speed every few minutes. Held it at 8:30 pace for about 8 minutes. That felt good. I forget what it feels like to run faster when I always do slow easy runs w/ Heather (we chat the whole time)
Will do some toning tonight also.
I've been thinking lately that for me personally, training for spring Marathon might be easier than training for a fall one. I have more of a schedule in the winter and I'm better at training then. The summer is so crazy for me w/ family schedule. Ok- done whining....
Plan is to go long w/ Heather tomorrow before I leave town for a week....