Went out this morning not knowing how far or where I was going to run.I was a bit tired from yesterday's run so I didn't think I would go too far. Got out on the trail and went to the DC then just kept going. Thought I would make the trail loop for 10 miles. Once I got to River Road I got stupid and thought about going to Little Valley to the park for a drink, that put me at just under 8 miles.....what was I thinking??? Ran back the same way. The feet did much better today. My socks were a bit tight yesterday and I think that was my foot problem for that run. Today I feel real good, they are tired but no significant pain....hoping!!!!! 8:10 average pace
PM 5.50 miles very slow in the dark- fueled by movie popcorn.......won't do that again! 8:54 pace felt like crap after the first mile