ya dumayoo schto ya napishoo norusski. Did anyone understand that besides Sasha? Tired again today. I'm thinking back on my pregnancy and wondering when my thryoid went out. I remember trying to run one day and feeling so exhausted...and after that it was down hill. I think maybe it was around last March and that all this time I've been out and haven't really noticed. I'm hanging in there and things are really going pretty good since I feel like my relationship with Sasha is doing well...that really helps everything go better. We are going on a date on Friday and he's trying to cop out and call Costco our date. I told him I would consider that a date if he bought me a new shirt there. Actually I want to go to a sports event at BYU...gonna get online and see what's going on this weekend. That is something fun I can look forward too. My two little boys just walked by with purple and yellow rabbit ears on from the dress up box eating carrots and singing their own made up bunny rabbit song. CUTE!! My 8 year old took 40 minutes to eat one bowl of soup so she is cleaning up the kitchen as punishment. Harsh? I go overboard sometimes.... I'm looking forward to planting my garden this week. My friend found this amazing gardening club that sells 4,000 varieties of tomato seeds and other crazy things like spiral beets (white and maroon...she's going to give me some and I can't wait to harvest those babies. All of these seeds are heirloom seeds, not genetically messed up spiral beets for me. :)