Had an interesting weekend. Mostly a lot of fun. I took all six to a baptism because Sasha had a race to go to. My friends at the baptism treated me and my family like royalty and helped in every little way they could. Good idea to make friends with some of the most nurturing and selfless creatures on the earth...they make sweet friends. Sasha got major points when he tried his darndest to get home early so he could try and make it to a family function later that day. Turns out that our car (the natural gas van that we can't bring gas to...) ran out of gas and we had to get a tow....fun stuff..I let Sasha deal with that one. I had to go up to Salt Lake myself right after the baptism and got treated like royalty by my family up there. While I nursed the baby my mom and my older sister served the dinner they had prepared to all of my kiddos. Wow!! What a break for me. All in all it was a good day.