Some skinny people are lazier than heavy people...Not a politically correct statement but this is still a free country. I'm actually just speaking about myself so I guess I shouldn't have made a blaknet statement. I think the first part of my pregnancy is hard on me because I'm naturally lazy about eating. I look at it as more work so I do the bare minimum required (unless it's Oreo Cheescake..that is my one failing). Then when I'm pregnant I have to eat 3-5 times as much and the sheer work of it kills me. It's worse than running to me....mostly because I have to think about every bite I put in my mouth, worry if it's healthy, and then decide if I'm going to like it once it's there.....vent vent vent. I woke up late but feel MUCH better today than I did yesterday. I'm going to finish with 2.5 miles this afternoon with the girls. Sasha fed the kids breakfast and I got three more in...I feel so good today I can't believe I'm in the same body I was in yesterday. |