Wednesday nights means stair-intervals at the office! After a day in which we all worked shifts between 14 to 16 hours long, I met up with my colleagues to train for the Fight for Air Climb. The aim for this workout was to run as may stair repeats (from the first floor to the third floor of our office building) as possible in 50 minutes. While wearing my 12lbs weight vest, I was able to achieve 66 repeats which equates to 3.3 miles in a time of 49:40 (i.e., a 15:03 pace). Then I cooled down with a 5k on the treadmill before heading home.
My daily non-running workout consisted of 300 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, and a 100-second wall-sit.
5-minute Plank Challenge: 2:00 (brutal and barely able to complete)
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Daily Challenge: vegetable rolls and a serving of fruit