Today was recovery-Monday in that I just hit the treadmill for 4.1 miles after work at an easy pace (i.e., 8:20 minutes per mile) before calling it a day. The highlight of today was that it was the first day for guarantee-entry runners to register for the NYC Marathon; therefore, I made sure to sign-up shortly after registration opened. Now I’m just waiting for the confirmation that they will send me after they verify my qualifying time. As a result, “Start Spreading the News…” I’m so excited!
For my non-running workout, I was able to get in 300 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, and a 100 second wall-sit.
5-minute Plank Challenge: 2:00 and 1:00 side planks both left and right
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Daily Challenge: one serving of mixed vegetables (I slacked off today).