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Week starting May 22, 2011

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Member Since:

Apr 29, 2010



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2009 Provo River Marathon, 4:04:38

2009 Provo Canyon Halloween 1/2 Marathon, 1:27:22

2010 Ogden Marathon, 3:04:39

2010 Deseret News Marathon, 2:51:36

2010 Provo River 1/2 Marathon 1:19:01

2010 Top of Utah Marathon 2:52:24

2010 Just Cuz 1/2 Marathon 1:17:36

2011 13.1 LA 1/2 Marathon 1:19:43

2011 Timpanogos Half 1:16:51

2011 Treadmill Marathon 2:49:26 (pr)

Short-Term Running Goals:

2:45 Boston.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Elliptical Trainer 2017 Lifetime Miles: 107.00
Treadmill 2017 Lifetime Miles: 454.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Nike Free Run+ Livestrong Miles: 8.00Swim Miles: 2.50Elliptical Trainer Miles: 30.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Progress?  Yeah, I'd say probably compared to any attempt at a run I've had in the last 4 weeks this was progress.  Started with 15 minutes on the elliptical and noticed I was not really feeling much pain at all so I hit the treadmill very slow at first.  Could feel some tenderness but not the intense pain I've had in the past 12 weeks.  And I'm walking normal now, so maybe my 2 weeks off did pay off.

Never mind the fact my HR would indicate that my new 10K pace is 7:00min/mile.

10 minute cool down on the elliptical.

 Distance Time Avg Pace
  Avg HR
 Max HR
 1 8:29 8:29  142 151
 2 16:48 8:19  153 156
 3 24:47 7:59  157 160
 4 32:35 7:48  161 163
 5 40:09 7:34  164 166
 6 47:33 7:24  166 167
 7 54:42 7:09  169 171
 8 1:01:42 7:00  170 171
 7:42  160 171

Oh, also wanted to mention.  It is so good to be back home, I just pulled out of my next event so potentially I could be in town until July, wow that's a record.  All the rain sure has made everything beautiful since I left 2 weeks ago.  Happy day!

Nike Free Run+ Livestrong Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Jetlag hit me hard last night, I just could not get to sleep.  I had to go try and sleep in the basement cause I was worried I was going to keep my wife up all night.  at 3:45am I gave up trying and just went to the gym.

While I was tossing and turning last night I had grand visions of a miraculous comeback after yesterday's 8 mile run.  I could see myself effortlessly running 6:30 pace again enjoying every moment.  Well it wasn't meant to be, did 15 minutes warm up on the elliptical and then went to the treadmill, instantly knew it wasn't going to happen again today.  Absolutely sick of the elliptical trainer I went and changed into my swim suit and swam 1600 meters in the pool.  They had the water very cold this morning, must be the new summer water temperature but if felt very good and woke me up from my restless night.  After I swam for 45 minutes I decided to change again and hit some weights.

I'm about 10 lbs heavier than I'd like to be, I hope at least 1/2 of that is muscle from all the weights I've been doing lately.

Going to see the doctor today, I have my doubts about him being able to help me anymore than what I've already tried but it's a last ditch effort.  I can't handle this much longer.

Swim Miles: 1.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

As far as days go, yesterday was a pretty rough one.  I finally got around to seeing a Doctor.  Kelli from the blog (kind of like Jenny from the Block) suggested Dr. Brinton at Riverton Hospital, he's a 3:08 marathoner and I really wanted to see someone who would understand how I felt about running and wouldn't just tell me to stop unless absolutely necessary.  Going back through my logs, I found the exact workout that this injury happened.  http://robxt.fastrunningblog.com/blog-03-15-2011.html March 15th I was in New Orleans and did 4 X 1 mile repeats.  I remember that work out as quite a breakthrough and was very excited about where my fitness level had gotten.  The next day, I complained of soreness but thought that was expected after a good hard run, the next day I took the day off, which I seldom do and should have been the first clue something was terribly wrong.   For the next 11 weeks I just assumed it was a pulled muscle, or tendon, so I started Icying, messaging, and taking gobs of Ibuprofen, and worst of all kept trying to run through it.

After seeing the doctor yesterday I have found out that I have a Femoral Neck Stress Fracture,  http://orthopedics.about.com/od/hipinjuries/a/stress.htm  I had X-Rays done which did not actually show the fracture but you can see the signs of  the bone trying to repair, and there were no signs of muscle damage anywhere.  After reading up on this it’s amazing that a stress fracture never really crossed my mind,  I have all of the symptoms and none of the therapy I was doing did anything to help, in fact most of those treatments are the exact opposite of what I should have been doing,  Heat/not ice  and no Ibuprofen.  Anyway, the doctor was very blunt and said either stop running now or you’re going to need a hip replacement or at the very least some sort of surgery very soon, and the recovery would be much longer.  That news at the time was very upsetting, but after having some time to dwell over it I’m very happy to have a definitive answer finally.  At least now I can move forward and a least know what I should and shouldn’t be doing instead of always wondering.

I was all set to write some over dramatic blog entry about how I was going to leave the blog for a while since it would be to hard to read about other people running while I couldn’t.  Then a couple of things occurred to me, 1. That’s childish,  2. I’m still the same person, I still have the same goals,  I just need to figure out a different way to achieve those goals.  I realized that I’m a little bit different than most “runners” out there.  I actually don’t really enjoy running itself, like most people claim too, I don’t run because I enjoy being one with nature and feeling the breeze flow through my hair, I personally like to run for the end result, I love the burn in the lungs after a hard tempo run, I love the feel of sore legs after hill sprints, and I love finally being in the best shape of my life.  I think these differences in me are what got me to where I am so quickly,  I like to push myself every day.  Which is how I got into this predicament in the first place but I just have to deal with that.

The doctor did give me hope, recovery for this is anywhere from 10 -18 weeks typically,  It’s been 11 so far and granted most of that wasn’t recovery but I’m going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and say I’ve had at least 6 weeks of recovery,  he has told me that the elliptical trainer is fine, and swimming.  Cycling (not so much) so I have decided to use these tools I have been given and continue with the same passion I have always had.  I know it’s not nearly as cool to be an ellipticaler as a runner but right now that is my means to an end. 

I just went and looked back, I ran 325 miles on basically a broken leg over the last 11 weeks.  Oops!!

10 elliptical miles, 30 minutes of weights.

Elliptical Trainer Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

2400 meter swim in ~58 minutes and then 45 minutes of weights.

Swim Miles: 1.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

10 Elliptical miles in 1:18:16.  Avg HR. 143

20 minutes of weights and core exercise.

Found out I'm going to New York next week for a few days, really bummed that I can't run, Central Park in June is awesome.  Isn't there a song about that??

Elliptical Trainer Miles: 10.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

10 miles on the elliptical in 1:23:00 Avg. HR 135. 

My hip is feeling way better, the pain is almost non-existanct unless I hop up and down on my left leg alone.  Knowing me I'm going to go out and think I'm  healed and hurt myself again.  Everything I've read about stress fractures is you know when it's healed when it stops hurting.  That seems odd, anyone know if that's entirely true?

Elliptical Trainer Miles: 10.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Nike Free Run+ Livestrong Miles: 8.00Swim Miles: 2.50Elliptical Trainer Miles: 30.00
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