Nice morning, getting cooler and cooler every day. It was a little bit breezy which kept drying me out but I had my water stash every 2.5 miles. My Garmin died at .5 miles so I just had to run by feel, pretty sure the first 2 laps were 6:30ish pace, then I slowed into a more comfortable pace for the next 2. I was just going to run 1 mile of the final loop and turn around for an even 12 but I saw a guy ahead and caught up to him. He is here for the conference from Indiana and was in the same boat as I was, nowhere to run. I told him I'd show him my loop so I ran with him for the final loop. I wish I would have had him earlier, it made it really nice to talk to someone and forget about running for a bit. Really kind of clueless about my total time, all I know is I made it to work on time. This conference out of all other conferences I do per year really is the only one where I start thinking about getting a new job. So ready to be done. Then I get to go do it all over again next week in San Francisco. I'm looking for a running partner really early on Saturday morning for a 22 - 24 mile run. Any takers?