Woke up very early to get in a longer run, I wanted to run across the Golden Gate bridge which I thought was 18 miles round trip, ended up being short but that's OK, I would have been late for work. Pretty chilly morning, very foggy and windy on the bridge but I loved it, it is so awesome being the first person on the bridge in the morning. I knew the bridge didn't open until 5:00am from experience, so I waited until 4:10 to leave the hotel, about 7 miles to the gate, I got there at 5:01 so perfect timing. On the way back they were getting ready for the Escape from Alcatraz Tri-athlon, so there were lots of people running around in wet suits on the pier, pretty exciting. They are also doing the America's Cup trials in the bay this week so all the cool boats are sitting on the beach. Another long day at work, glad I got a semi long run in.