Felt like garbage when I woke up this morning but I felt bad about my slacker day yesterday so I had to force myself to make up for it. Took some Imodium AD and some ibubrofen. and headed to the gym. By the time I got to the gym I was feeling quite a bit better, probably from the OD of drugs. Ran an 8 mile progressive run, then I did 8 X speed intervals at 12.1,12.2....12.8mph. Followed by a 2.5 mile slow cool down at 7:30pace. 12 miles in 1:27:19, 7:16 avg pace. I'm really having mixed feelings, part of me thinks this has been the most successful marathon buildup I've ever had, but another part of me feels like there is something missing. I'm just not feeling as good as I have in the past, part of it I think is passion, I used to crave to run fast, I used to love the feeling of pushing my body to the limit. I'm not sure if it's fear of getting injured again, or if something else is different. Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't bail on my speed intervals after all this speed interval talk today.