Woke up totally planning on doing the St. Charles 12 mile run again but as I was limping down the hall I was prompted to go to the gym and take it easy. I used to feel pretty down on myself when I missed a day of running, but thanks to advice from people like Steve yesterday, and reading Ryan Hall's book I'm slowly realizing that no one is super human, but the way to appear super human is to stay injury free. One of my New Year Resolutions this year was to stay injury free, which I think even if over all fitness falls a bit is a much better strategy than trying to run a fast marathon with an injury. So there it is, I'm not going to feel bad about not getting miles on the board just to do it, that's not my primary goal. Oh, forgot to put my workout in.. 1 hour elliptical, 20 minutes of stretching and weights. I don't have this problem anymore, but thought it was funny since I was there about 2 years ago and I know a lot of you are probably dealing with it now.