In sticking with my easy week, I did 4.1 miles at AP of 8:06 this morning. Nothing too exciting.
Cumulus Miles: 4.10
From Kathie on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 16:21:49 from
So how do the legs feel? rested?
From Teena on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 17:05:11 from
Sounds exciting to me!! :)
From rhett on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 17:19:45 from
Kathie, my legs are feeling better, thanks for asking.
Teena, thanks for checking in. I'm sure any painfree running sounds exciting to you. Are you still running Boston? I really hope you are and that you will be able to do it without pain. I know we are all praying for you.
From DonGardinero on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 18:39:29 from
Glad to hear you're still taking it easy. Feels good, doesn't it?
From MarcE on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 22:49:59 from
Hey Rhett, what's your plan for the next 6 weeks leading up to Boston? When are you going to run your last 20+ miler?
From Teena on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 10:27:41 from
I think Boston is very doubtful. Didn't purchase any plane tickets. Ry says that I can change my mind at the last minute and he would be happy to pay the extra amount for the flight. He was worried that if he purchased the tickets thought that I might feel too much pressure to run and continue to make foolish running decisions! :)
Besides, I have you and Smooth whom I can temporarily live vicariously through. I'll run Boston, just not sure if it will be this year.
From Rhett on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 13:45:06 from
Marc, I will do a 20 miler tomorrow at a little slower than normal pace since I'm trying to make this an easy week. Then in 2 weeks I'll do another 20 miler, then 1 week after that (3 weeks out) I'll do a 23 miler. 2 weeks out I'll be running a 1/2 marathon at marathon pace. Then the taper will begin. What are your plans.
Teena, we will miss you in Boston, but I think you have made the right choice. It will just be that much more sweet next year when you get to go.
From MarcE on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 22:53:09 from
Rhett, your plan sounds a lot like mine, but I'll to a mid-long run this weekend, as I just ran a full last weekend. I want to give my muscles a little time to fuel back up..but not too much time. I'd like to hit at least three 50+ mile weeks, and maybe peak at 60 (that's a lot for me). There are 2 local half-marys between now an Boston, but I haven't signed up for either. I don't want to wear myself out...and when I enter a race, I usually have to go for it, and not hold back. I'll keep watching your blog..
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