Easy 8.2 + Easy 6.0
Van Aaken excerpts on the definition of health:
"A fat man, even a cardiac patient, can work himself up to a few seconds of extraordinary speed in a sprint. But does this mean he is healthy? This question hints at the answer we've been looking for: that is, performance capacity in athletic endurance events is the best guarantee of " biological durability", which can be accepted as a definition of health."
"Explosive muscle functions lasting fractions of a second are therefore not as important as the endurance of chemical processes which again and again, like a perpetual clock, renew themselves. Muscle strength is a tool of the organism and has certain functions in human life. The foundation of the human organism, though, is organ strength - expecially symbollized by the vital strength of the heart."
"The glorification of the strong man and the so called ideal figures of decathletes have strongly influenced our concepts of health. To look really healthy, a man has to have a lot of muscles and be overweight. But health has nothing to do with mass, and a well tanned skin after two weeks at the beach is often nothing but varnish over a rotting interior."
"The most inconspicuous people are often the toughest, and a good outer appearance very often deceives because it can only hint at possible good internal health." |