I was out the door before 7:30am and I headed out towards GU corner and then down into the riverbottoms, I ran my 2 mile loop down in there and then I headed back to the house. After returning home I headed out to the old barn and back which is 2 miles round trip for a total of 14.10. My legs felt great and I think I could have kept going for a while longer but decided to stop on a high note. My one shin was a little of a bother but after I got going it felt fine and wasn't really a factor, I'll see what the day brings with that hopfully it was just a blip... My average pace 8:22 with my total time at 1:58:05 my last 2 miles where pretty strong (8:12) and (8:06) it felt like I was running down hill and it wasn't laboring at all, my breathing was well in control. I'm really happy with the run today. Average HR rate was 147, a great day for me the pace felt easy and comfortable. See ya Monday.