I getting to be a broken record but here it goes... Another afternoon run today and I wish I would have run in the morning because it was a BJ Thomas day except it was snow drops falling on my head as apposed to rain drops;-) I ran out to Payson and extended up the hill and the old legs were a little tired today but thats okay it helped me slow down a bit but my average pace was still probably to fast for a recovery run but oh well. Average pace was 8:47 and the total time was 45:19, HR average was way high at 151. I think my HR monitor is acting up because that just seems way wrong, it might be time for a new battery... After the run I did the usual elliptical workout, 22 minutes with no resistance and I hope tomorrow to do the hill work that I had plan for today but it didn't work out. Thats about it, see ya tomorrow.