After returning home from work I found some time to run and headed out towards Payson at a nice and easy pace. My hip was feeling really good for some reason but I resisted the urge to run further than planned, 3.43 miles in 30:11 with an average pace of 8:48 my HR average was at 151... The pace was feeling pretty easy but my HR was telling me something different, oh well it felt like a really good run. I then headed downstairs and jumped on the elliptical and did a 10 minute warm-up and the I did the Contenders course on the programed workouts, which was 20 minutes and then I cooled down with 12 minutes at a comfortable RPM for a total of 42 minutes. I then had to cook dinner for the kids, my wife is not feeling well, so I took care of that and then finished with some strength training on the upper body and then some push-ups. I also did some stretching after the elliptical and I also rolled my hip, I hope my hip feels this good tomorrow if it does I will be extra happy!!!;-) See ya tomorrow.