So I was able to get into this sports doc that my PT hooked me up with and he worked me over pretty good. He had me run just over three miles and he wanted pain to be flaring so he good get a handle on what is going on. He ruled out Compartment syndrome for now simple cuz my pain is to isolated. He took an ex-ray for a stress fracture and couldn't see anything but he wants to do a bone scan if the problem persists, so he thinks I have a tendon that is torn along the bone and I have a torn muscle in the same area and so he had my PT do some A-Stym and some deep tissue message and he wants this to continue for two more weeks. If the pain persists then I will have to have a bone scan. In the mean time he wants me to continue with the elliptical or swimming or biking, no running for now. I can do the elliptical if I just change my mental outlook and I can continue with the strength training, so that is the plan. I ran 3.15 miles and then I had time for some more on the elliptical for 30 minutes with some resistance thrown in there too, I finished up with my upper body weight training and then some push-ups. So for the next 2 weeks it's me and Mr. Elliptical, its should be beautiful experience! See ya tomorrow.