HO-LY-COW! I seriously, truly, honestly didn't think I had this in me. I'm going to blame it on Chad, yup...going to blame it on him :) Had a great day yesterday celebrating baby Fartlek's birthday (Adam, no I didn't really name him Fartlek :) ), and I guess Five Guys, movie popcorn and treats and cake and icecream are good race fuel! Or, maybe I could've run faster eating better :) Getting up at 3:20AM is never easy, but the ride down with Kelli then the bus up with her and bye-wing was beautiful and I had no complaints. It was finally cold up at Tibble Fork! When I got off the bus, my sister drug me to the wrong side of the parking lot...I didn't know why, but whatever. Then she pointed up - they had a big movie screen type inflatable up and it was printed with pictures that had been submitted as to who we run for (this was a cancer survivor/fight race). They had used a picture my sister submitted of her and my dad with some wonderful words under it. It made me cry! What a perfect way to start out a race, thinking about my dad and how stinkin' proud he would be of me for doing what I'm doing and how he is with me at every race and on every run and always there when I need him. Being in Heaven does have its advantages :) I wore orange ribbons on my bib and in my hair for Lymphoma fighters too. After cowering in the back of the starting line up with Kelli, I put my big girl panties on and joined Chad at the 1:30 pacing spot. I don't like being able to see the line on the ground...I like to start in the back. BUT, I knew that if I could just hold onto Chad's pace for a few miles (I'm used to clipping onto his shoulder and letting him drag me at a fast pace on runs!), that I could at least beat a 1:35 when I started to fade. The gun went off, and yup...this is a downhill course! YIKES! SO downhill. I doubt I'll be walking well tomorrow! I was chasing then passing Peggy and Cheris from the BBK's. I had a moment, a 'remember when' moment. Very vividly I remember watching Peggy from across the track (I was doing the same 800's, but was a half or more of a lap behind!) and thinking how effortless she made running look and how I longed to someday be able to run that fast. Wow, well guess what? Now you are. CRAZY! Mile 1-3: (XXX?, 6:30, 6:31) Watch lost satellite about mile .68, finally got back on track after 2nd mile, but I don't know how to figure out pace. Then, mile 2.5ish? I'd had it. It took effort and mental energy, more than I thought I'd be able to give, to keep up during mile 2. I bargained with myself to just hang in until the 5K split, then fall back. You can do this.... Mile 4-6 (6:25, 6:26, 6:38 - 10K: 41:12) Well, before I got to that 5K mark, the downhill had picked up again and my breathing was under control. Chad was managing pace/time and I just hung on. I asked him to tell me what the 10K split was...yikes! An unofficial 10K PR by almost 2.5 minutes. Hmmm, I'll take it :) I was feeling good and enjoying the ride. Miles 7-10 (6:52, 7:00, 7:07) Hmmm, did the downhill stop? why yes! :) Just past mile 8 after about 1/4+ mile on the golf course flats I told Chad I was dropping back. My breathing was too hard and it was time to plug in and run my race. Cheris passed me in mile 9. I kept looking for the downhill. I was gazing far ahead, trying to see heads dropping down, but no luck. Had to tough out the flats. We finally got a nice downhill for .10 and then we hit mile 10 marker. Just a 5K left. I was at 1:08:XX...did I have a 22 min 5K in me? I honestly didn't think so. Mile 11, 12, 13 (7:36, 7:17, 7:29, 7:00 (last .19 recorded to finish)) 11 had a HUGE hill, not long, but big. I crawled up it licking my knees! ugggh, after downhill uphill is SO hard! I knew I was slowing down, but I refused to look at pace. It was run how I feel time and the best part was people weren't passing me. I was passing others. So, if people who run this time are running slower than I am it has to be a good thing! I could still see Chad ahead on the long stretches, but lost him on the last couple turns into the finish. I was SO elated to see 1:30:XX on the clock as I came through. I'd done it! I was SO excited. Honestly, I was just happy it wasn't 1:30:01...that might have killed me after Ogden :) The only problem I had was a nice silver dollar size blister on the ball of my L foot from about mile 3. I'm glad I didn't stop before the finish, I think I probably would've realized the amount of pain I was in and not get going again! Only gu'd once at mile 6-7ish, and never walked through an aid station. I did get pretty adept at using 2 hands though - water AND gatorade :) At the finish line I finally took my shoes off at the aid tent - a nice silver dollar sized blister I'd been feeling since mile 3. Popped and bleeding, fun times! I've never run fast enough to get blisters before, but I love war wounds.
Kelli and I grabbed our stuff and drove up to Highland for the Wedding Bells 5K. All had finished running, but I think we got to see everyone and say hello! What an awesome thing to do on your wedding morning. Maybe I should get married again :) I also got to hold Carina's cutie pie little guy for a while. I love cuddle time! I was excited to meet Bonnie and Dean and well. We went to brunch after all the visiting was done and I had just a spectacular day!! Just before we left for brunch, I got a text from my sister that I'd taken 1st in my AG!!! I was SO excited! A PR and 1st in my AG in a Utah County race! YIPEE!!! Chad had picked up my award, so after dropping Kelli off I went and picked up my certificate, ribbon and movie passes!! So, since I won movie passes, does that count as a cash (equivalent) prize? :) 
Oh, one last point of info...this is the first race I've ever done where my AP has been in the 6's - 6:56!!! Not even a 5k or 10K in the 6's. Yes, I love downhill :)