Miles, Miles...glorious miles. I told Chad this morning that I didn't care about pace, but I was just there for the miles. I proved myself right :) The first 3.5 or so miles I ran with Chad at a good clip for the hills and road. Nothing spectacular, but enough that I felt like I wasn't starting from scratch...even though I really am after almost 2 weeks with no running. At 12600S we waited for George and Christine (we'd passed them while she took a second to stretch) and we switched pairs. George and Chad took off on a nice tempo and then Christine and I plugged along. She wasn't feeling well and had to stop and walk a bit every mile or so. No spectacular speed, but again, I was just there for the miles and didn't mind hanging out. Finished the 10 mile loop in good fashion and enjoyed it, until George came driving back in his car :) He was worried because we were SO far behind! Nice to know our peeps have our back if anything ever happened. Oooopppps! Next time I won't get far enough behind to have a sweeper crew come out. Foot did really well, I still iced it and took some Ibuprofen when I got home as a precaution, but things went well! I'm glad it seems to still be getting better despite getting back to running. I think I'll meander through this one with little issues in the long run. After getting kiddos off to school, I got trains out in my bedroom for baby (all else is practically unbreakable, or I don't care much about) and took a little nap - excellent! AP: 9:14 splits: 8:39, 8:54, 8:52, 9:18, 9:50, 9:40, 9:11, 9:07, 9:20, 9:33